Educational & support resources for families

If you or a loved one has achondroplasia, there are a variety of resources to learn more and connect with others. We’ve compiled a list of essential organizations that offer support and valuable information for families affected by achondroplasia.
Fundación ALPE Achondroplasia
ALPE is a Spain based organization that offers support for people with achondoplasia and other skeletal dysplasias.
A Portugal based organization that offers support for people with achondoplasia and other skeletal dysplasias.
The Chandler Project
An organization dedicated to raising awareness of transformative research on achondroplasia and other skeletal dysplasias.
Dwarf Athletic Association of America
The Dwarf Athletic Association of America is a nonprofit organization created in 1985 to develop, promote, and provide quality amateur level athletic competition opportunities for dwarf athletes in the United States.
European Achondroplasia Forum
A network of specialists in the management of achondroplasia whose goal is to improve the overall care through establishing and promoting collaboration, cross-country sharing of best practices, development of recommendations and supporting the development of educational programs.
Little People of America (LPA)
LPA is a US based organization that offers support, education, advocacy, and community for individuals with achondroplasia and other forms of dwarfism.
Skeletal Dysplasia Management Consortium
A multidisciplinary group of clinicians dedicated to improving the clinical management of skeletal dysplasias. Many clinical resources are available for patients and families.